If you are building a business, you are no doubt being cautious with your start-up expenditures. Office furniture systems, while a necessity for your new work place, may appear a daunting investment for a new organization striving to achieve sure footing in the marketplace.
Begin with what you need, and expand your office furniture systems as your company begins to prosper and grow. Avoid over-purchasing by planning out what your office will look like based upon what your company will be doing. Contact our team today to see which of the following cost-saving options in office furniture systems will best fit your requirements.
Office Furniture Rental
Perhaps the best way to “bootstrap” a new startup, office furniture rentals will allow you to preserve the majority of your startup capital for more pressing business development needs.
“As-is” Used Office Furniture
Invest in quality, pre-owned furniture that has been inspected and verified in good condition. Establish your new work environment with a seasoned look that grounds and centers process flow and focuses your team on the daily tasks at hand.
Used Cubicles
Invest in a basic makeover of pre-owned cublicles that establishes a clean, efficient, and experienced work environment for your new team.
Our complimentary design process will help you determine which investment point best meets your current business needs. The layout we develop for you, at no cost whatsoever, will guide your selection in the best office furniture system components.
Whether you need private offices, custom cubicles systems, or space-saving collaborative environments, Cubiture has an office furniture rental solution or an affordable office furniture purchase plan ideally suited to the first stage of growing your new business.
Contact us now for a detailed complimentary layout and an affordable quote for your all your office furniture needs.