Call Us For A FREE Office Furniture Quote 713-412-0900. Visit Our Office Furniture Showroom Located at 10704 Telge Rd, Houston, TX 77095.
As you get ready to buy office furniture for your company, you may have already begun to organize the shopping process. If not, take care of these steps before you begin browsing office supply stores and websites for the new furniture you need to buy.
Plan Ahead
Create a spreadsheet that will help you to add information as you search. This spreadsheet should have these categories: Individual offices, the furniture items currently in each office, how many of each item you will be needing and how much each will cost.
Have a budget number ready as you begin your planning work. Here, the spreadsheet aids you in recognizing when you're at risk of going over that number. If (or when) this happens, you'll be able to adjust your plans without wreaking havoc on your budget.
Put Comfort First
Comfort is never overrated. Instead, it helps you and your staffers stay healthy and avoid unneeded injuries. Chairs should have proper lumbar support; the seats should fit each employee – if they are too deep, shorter employees can't rest their feet on the floor, which can lead to back strain. Armrests should be at a comfortable height. Casters should roll easily.
Desks should also fit your staffers. Tall employees won't be able to work comfortably at a desk that is too short for them. Conversely, shorter employees will feel lost at a desk that is too big for them.
Remember Flexibility
Here, flexibility means that, when you need, you'll be able to move furniture from office to office – or from cubicle to cubicle. The number of employees you have goes up and down all the time.
This means that, when you let go of some staffers, you'll have to store the furniture in a storage area. “Flexibility” can also extend to furniture that is easy to move. It shouldn't be too heavy or bulky, especially if you move to a new location.
Furniture Should Fit All Employees
Even though chairs will be assigned to employees based on their height and body type, what you select should fit a range of body types. If you plan to have more than one employee use the furniture, this is particularly important. Look at your current staff. You have tall, short, petite and stocky employees. Some may be overweight, meaning they need special consideration when it comes to choosing new quality office furniture.
Choose Fabrics Carefully
Even though you are buying quality office furniture, you want the fabrics to be easy to treat and clean. Office chairs can have fabric seats, but choose a fabric that hides stains well. That fabric should easily clean using common household cleaning solutions.
For meeting and reception areas, you may want to choose vinyl seat covers – or mesh seats and seat backs. Each of these can be comfortable; vinyl can be quickly wiped if someone spills coffee or water on it. Mesh should be easy-to-clean as well. Give us a call here at Cubiture and ask about our selection of quality office furniture. Browse our office furniture when you're looking for quality office furniture.
Call Us For A FREE Office Furniture Quote 713-412-0900. Visit Our Office Furniture Showroom Located at 10704 Telge Rd, Houston, TX 77095.