One such recent donation was to St Elizabeth Ann Seaton’s Catholic Church, located on Addicks Satsuma Road. The church was running a garage sale to raise money for several local ministries that serve both the neighborhood and the Greater Houston community at large. We made this donation because we believe in supporting not only Houston businesses, but Houston residents and local community groups. One of the things that make our city great is the way people come together to help each other in a crisis. However, there are churches like St. Elizabeth’s that help each other every day, crises or not because it is the right thing to do.
We chose office furniture that could be used not only in businesses but in a variety of other environments. Since the church offers so many services to the Parish, we chose to give items that could be passed on to people working in education, non-profit work, or other ministries.
15 Office Chairs
These chairs are ergonomically designed and rated for an 8-hour workday. They feature adjustable seats, heights, and backrest positioning so that the person sitting in the chair can fully support his or her body in every position of the shoulders, back, and upper legs.
10 Bookcases
Bookcases are some of the most commonly purchased casegoods. They are used in the executive office, conference room, building lobbies, classrooms, libraries, and public buildings. Many homeowners also used bookcases t build their own private literary collections. The near universality of the bookcase makes it an excellent donation because practically anyone can use it.
L-Shaped Desks
We also donated an L-shaped desk so that a pastor, school principal, or small business executive can have ample workspace even in a small room.
So, if you have office furniture that you no longer want, please call Cubiture and let our liquidation team look at it. There is no point in hauling it off to a dumpster when it may find a better use with someone else. Worst-case scenario, we can take it to a recycling center. In either case, you can write off your donation on your taxes, and you can feel the satisfaction of giving back to one of the best communities of people and business on the face of the earth.