Cubiture offers more detailed space planning that competing cubicle installation companies.
Cubiture bases our space plans on an assessment of cost per square foot. Not every cubicle installation company does this. A large number of our competitors will approach space planning from the perspective of aesthetics and comfort. They aim to create an emotional appeal that generates an upbeat and focused environment.
We agree that these factors are important, but we also maintain that business is first and foremost about making money. Your new cubicle installation should do more than look good and make you feel good. It should also create a profitable workflow that makes you a return on your investment in office space.
Before we moved into cubicle installation and furniture systems, our firm specialized in custom, high-density filing systems that reduced costs and freed up wasted space for higher production volumes. Now, after 25 years in the cubicle and office furniture business.
Cubiture offers you more options in office cubicles and office furniture.
Like most cubicle installation companies, we offer both new and used workstations.
Unlike most cubicle installation companies, we also own our own factory.
This facility enables us to build custom workflow solutions that are actually LESS expensive than many catalog items you find on major manufacturer websites.
One example of such savings was a project that we did a few years back for a lady who called for a quote on a desk system she saw online. We quoted her the cost of the desk advertised online, but we also quoted her a custom system manufactured in our factory. This system was actually a cubicle section built with wood veneer work surfaces and panels. It looked nothing like a stereotypical cubicle, and it was over $4,000.00 less than the advertised model.
We are perhaps the only cubicle installation company in Houston where custom costs less, not more.
Cubiture offers turnkey free delivery and installation of new cubicles and pickup of your old furniture.
Some cubicle installation companies charge strictly by the hour. This can result in higher fees because an office move can sometimes take longer than expected due to unexpected circumstances that arise.
We give our customers more options than that. We can quote cubicle installation by the hour, or we can quote a flat rate.
In either case, our customers know, well in advance, what they will be investing in our services. We stand behind our bids regardless of the variables that may arise during the relocation. We also help our customers generate a return on their existing office furniture. Either we buy it back or assist in liquidating it to generate a tax write off for the customer.
Consider these advantages when you begin looking for a cubicle installation company, and choose Cubiture for a more thorough solution that saves both time and money for your team.
Cubicle Installation & Design – FREE Quote Call 713-412-0900