Office Furniture partitions – Free Quote – 713-412-0900
As a cubicle manufacturer, refurbisher, and reseller, Cubiture specializes in offering its customers as many options as possible pertaining to office furniture partitions. After all, a cubicle really isn’t a cubicle without partitions. Over the years, however, as public expectations have become more sophisticated– and manufacturing designs have evolved to keep up with them—the very nature of partitions themselves has dramatically changed. Partitions are no longer used just to build standard cubicles. In today’s world, they are used as wall replacements, room dividers, and desk modification. If you can think of a need for greater privacy, sound reduction, or clearer boundaries, there is an office furniture partition somewhere out there in the marketplace that will fit your requirements.
Despite this vast diversity, however, there are still two basic types of office furniture partitions. These types are portable and fixed. Portable partitions can be positioned at will and removed at a later time, whereas fixed partitions are held in place by a variety of mounting mechanism and/or bolting assemblies. Typically, fixed partitions are used to create permanent structures such as the interior space of a cubicle or the boundaries of a private office. Once they are installed, they are seldom moved because they function as drywall replacements. Not only is it difficult to move them, but it is also highly impractical because it requires reconfiguration of everything else in the room.
Still, fixed office furniture cubicles are the best friends of the call center manager who wants efficient, insular workstations for the customer service team. They are also the best friends of the expanding company that wants to develop its office layout as it adds to its team. Such a company often prefers Glass office walls over drywall simply because they can change the locations and sizes of various rooms in their suite as the company grows into a larger, multi-departmental organization. Office partitions walls also fall into the classification of office furniture and thus represent a tax advantage in the form of equipment that depreciates in value over a five-year period.
In many professional environments, however, mounting fixed, near-permanent office furniture partitions simply is not practical. Such organizations include classrooms, product showrooms, convention centers, and training seminars. Due to rising demands from these vertical markets, office furniture manufacturers had to come up with several portable office partitions designs. This new generation of partitions allows teachers, event coordinators, sales managers, and keynotes speakers to create custom environments for each group of people entering the facility. Some of these partitions roll on wheels, while others fold out or telescope into position, then collapse back upon themselves for convenient storage after usage.
Cubiture has strong, solid relationships with many unique office furniture partitions manufacturers. This network allows us to design very specialized layouts for our customers. We can design showrooms for vehicle dealerships, convention centers, tutoring centers, and large churches who host various events for their congregations and visitors. We can also transform open concept offices that have become a bit too noisy into more focused and individualized environments by placing special desk mounted partitions on desk and work tables. Thanks to the diversity of materials these partitions are made from, we can match virtually any existing office environment and add value to the entire workflow at a fraction of the cost of office furniture replacement.
Any space that you are currently using that you are not 100% satisfied with could potentially transform into an entirely new, more pleasant, and more productive work environment. Simply call Cubiture now and ask for some suggestions on how to use various office furniture partitions to better improve workflow, space utilization, office décor, and overall production. Space planning is free, and our design team stands ready to get you started today.
Office Furniture partitions – Free Quote – 713-412-0900