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Office furniture isn't just desks, filing cabinets and office chairs. Today's office furniture also includes cubicles, which even management or business owners may occupy. In today's work world, you and your purchasing director, HR manager or accountant may huddle over all of the details and paperwork you're dealing with. Rather than sitting in your own enclosed office, you may find that you move from one space to another – or that you and your employees may gravitate to an area with couches and low tables to work.
Today's Workspace isn't Your Dad's Office
When you visit other companies, you may be a little surprised to see employees and managers mixing and mingling with each other as they collaborate on numbers, drawings, and plans.
Back in your dad's day, workers may have occupied individual offices or even individual desks that were arranged in several long rows. That's not the case today. Standing tables and desks offer needed workspace for everyone who's working in the office that day. This brings up another consideration. Freelancers may also spend some time in the office, so they need workspace as well.
Enclosed Offices are So. . . Yesterday
That corner office may have been the big thing back in the 80s and 90s, but it's so old-school today. Even management moves from cubicle to standing table to couch to break area, then back again.
As companies update their workspace, they may buy furniture that's brightly colored. That furniture may also be made to withstand stains and spills. Walls may be painted one color in one area, then another color in another area. This serves to separate working areas, as well as increasing the visual interest within the entire workspace. Think about one big, open space filled with tables of different shapes, heights, and colors. Include couches and comfy chairs with low coffee tables nearby. Outdoors, you may find more tables and chairs. Yes, you'll spot a few cubicles, but these are few and far between.
Collaborative Work and Open Office
In that imaginary space, you'll see two workers or groups of three, four or more workers hard at work on various projects. Two people are leaning over the back of a couch, suggesting changes to a text document on another worker's laptop. Several feet away, a long breakfast bar welcomes several workers who have spread out a long set of drafting plans. In still another area, you see large tables housing one or more employees. This reminds you of the student union in your university. Getting the picture yet?
Remember the Tools Workers Need
As you think about changing your office furniture design, don't forget about the tools every employee needs. They need phones, computers, laptops, docking stations and possibly, tablets onto which they can save critical documents and drawings they're working on.
Chairs for the cubicles, the tables, breakfast bars and standing tables may be necessary. If workers plan to collaborate for only a short while, they may opt to work at a standing table. As you explore office furniture design, give us a call here at Cubiture and let us explain how things are changing. Browse our office furniture and explore changing your company's furniture design.
Call Us For A FREE Office Furniture Quote 713-412-0900.
Visit Our Office Furniture Showroom Located at 10704 Telge Rd, Houston, TX 77095.