Customers are always surprised to learn just how much Cubiture has at our disposal.
One of our most significant assets is our office furniture repair shop, located inside our Northwest Houston factory. Here, we can repair any chair – either under warranty or out of warranty – provided the cost of the repair is less than the cost of an outright replacement.
In addition to this exceptional facility, we own a fleet of trucks that handle pickup and return delivery. We specialize in the repair of chairs, office cubicles, workstations, and high density filing systems.
Our customers do not have to pay extra to cover the cost of third-party transportation, nor do they have to bring their defective chairs to us. We come to them, offer a service estimate in the office, and bring the chairs back to our office chair repair shop without disrupting customer workflow. If necessary, we will also supply temporary loaner chairs.
Common repairs include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Seat replacement
2. Reupholstering
3. Base repair
4. Gas cylinder repair
5. Armrest repair
Because we work with over 200 office furniture manufacturers, we are able to purchase chair components at wholesale prices that are not available through do-it-yourself, online stores.
Many times chair components end up being covered by a manufacturer warranty, so the customer gets the parts for free and pays only a reasonable labor charge for our service.
Our technicians are full-time employees who have years of experience and training.
We don't use contract labor in our office chair repair shop, and we don't delegate complex repairs to new hires in training. We make certain that our best people handle these repairs, because the chair is perhaps the most important office furniture you will ever buy.
Typically, we can estimate the cost of repair just by visiting your office.
While there are times that a replacement might be more affordable than the cost of completely rebuilding a chair, we encourage our customers to always request a quote before they go shopping for new seating.
Our account managers are held accountable to the highest ethical standards.
They will be happy to find you a replacement well within budget tolerance should any chair prove too far gone to be refurbished in our office chair repair shop. Call us now to find out what we can do for you, and what we can save you on the one piece of furniture you rely upon the most.
Office Chair Repair Shop Houston, Texas – Call 713-412-0900 For FREE Quote!