Cubiture makes it easy for you to get an affordable professional office moving quote you can count on. We estimate everything in advance and calculate a fixed, hourly rate that we will stand behind upon completion of your move. You do not have to stop what you are doing to get this quote. Meetings are brief, and every detailed is handled from start to finish.
We begin with an office walk through.
This normally takes 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of your office. With your authorization, we will itemize every item in your office in order to determine the actual logistics of your move. We make a note of any office furniture or cubicle systems that need to be disassembled prior to moving. We count the items that will require special packing and protection. Last, we inventory your computers, phones, and office equipment in the event that you will need us to bring in a technical team to move these items as well.
You do not have to stop what you are doing for us to complete the walk through. We will make an office moving checklist go over it with you when you have a moment to meet.
The office moving checklist is subject to your review and change.
While we are able to do everything turnkey, you may want to handle certain aspects of the move on your own. For instance, if you lease your copy machines, you may want your leasing company to handle the move and setup of your copiers. If you are working with a managed I.T. Services provider, equipment moves may be included in your existing service contract. We encourage you to contact these vendors to see if they can handle the technology part of your move. If they agree, we can adjust your moving quote to handle only your office furniture and supplies.
We help you determine what to keep and what to throw away.
Many companies we move these days are downsizing to smaller, more affordable offices. It makes sense for these companies to move only the office furniture and cubicle systems they need. Otherwise, they will pay a higher hourly rate to relocate items for which they have no immediate use.
In some cases, we can buy furniture from a customer who no longer needs a particular workstation, chair, desk, or reception center. It is more common, however, for us to offer liquidation options that carry with them certain tax benefits. Either option will lower the total amount of your office moving quote considerably once these items are removed from your office move checklist.
A third option that some companies choose is to store office furniture in our warehouse in the hopes that they will recover from the current downturn and need those workstations back when they begin again to hire new employees. While there is a cost for storage, it has paid off for some companies who would have otherwise had to replace furniture down the line.
We develop an office space plan and coordinate the move with management in both buildings.
We do not need to visit your new location to develop a space plan. A copy of your floor plan is all we will need. This will enable our designers to draw up the layout of your new office based upon your anticipated workflow in the new suite.
We then talk to leasing managers in both buildings to discover what times and procedures they will require us to follow. Their responses give us all the information we need to finalize your office moving quote with a set number of hours that includes all line items on your office moving checklist.
Office moving quotes are final and carry no hidden costs.
After a brief meeting with you, the quote is finalized, and everything is handled turnkey from that point forward. The price we quote is the price you can count on paying because Cubiture takes as much pride in service as we do in office furniture! Contact us today.
FREE Office Moving Quote 713-412-0900