CUBITURE.COM – Your Solution To New, Used And Refurbished Office Furniture.
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When you decide it's time to buy furniture, you do you research first. When you decide that your new furniture will be refurbished, you should research even more carefully to make sure that you're getting a good deal for the money you're paying. As you're looking for the place where you'll be buying refurbished office furniture, you should understand just how you'll be saving money for your company.
Environmentally Conscious Office?
The most effective way for you to help your company to protect the environment is to buy refurbished furniture. You're keeping still usable furniture out of the landfill.
When the furniture is cleaned up, repainted and reupholstered, you are getting “like new” furniture that looks just as good as furniture on the showroom floor. In addition, you are paying 30 to 50 percent less.
Slash Your Costs
New desks, chairs, filing cabinets and bookshelves are going to be pricey. For this reason, you may have opted to buy refurbished. Are you aware that buying furniture that has been used by another company will easily save you at least 30 percent of your furniture budget?
Before you start buying refurbished office furniture, have a plan. You need to know the quantity you're going to buy and where the furniture will go. What's the most important? What can wait a month or two? Ask your employees what pieces of furniture have worked for them in the past. Now that you know all this information, you're ready to start looking at furniture.
High Quality
Find a furniture dealer you can trust. You'll be more ready to trust that the items you're buying are of high quality. The furniture will look like new, with no signs of damage.
When your furniture dealer buys pre-owned furniture, they have it restored, painted, cleaned and reupholstered so it looks just as good as new furniture on the showroom floor.
When You Understand the Market, You Know Where to Save
Brick and mortar stores, online refurbished furniture outlets, newspaper ads and businesses closing or relocating will all have one thing in common. They sell refurbished furniture. Are you aware of where you're going to get the best deals? You need to understand the market for refurbished furniture so you know where to go and where you're going to get the biggest value for your dollar.
High Resale Value
Refurbished furniture from a well-known name easily holds its resale value. In short, it depreciates slowly. Over five years, that desk or office chair will hold about 75 percent of its original value. This means that, if you decide to resell it after owning it for a year or two, you'll get most of what you paid back.
Knowing What You Want Helps to Avoid Overspending
After creating a purchasing plan, you know what you want and need. You may also have an idea of how much it'll cost you. Buy only what you need, then stop. Avoid buyer's remorse and the embarrassment of having to return furniture you ended up spending too much on.
If you're worried about buying just what you need, give our experts at Cubiture a call. You'll get the answers you're looking for so you can make the best decisions. Browse office chairs and buy them refurbished today!
Call Us For A FREE Refurbished Office Furniture Quote 713-412-0900. Visit Our Office Furniture Showroom Located at 10704 Telge Rd, Houston, TX 77095.