If you’re looking for office furniture, then look no further than Cubiture. We have every kind of furniture that you could want in a workstation, no matter the size, type, or location of your company. Anything from cubicles and work desks, case goods including filing and shelving systems, tables for conferences, ergonomic office chairs, and even office partitions are available. That way, if you’re the person who makes the purchasing decisions for your company, then your quest for office furniture can be a one-stop operation.
When you’re looking for office furniture, it can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you’re making a large purchase for, say a corporate branch or a large firm. You want to make sure that your decision leads to a long-term solution that takes into account multiple aspects of its use, including office setting and size, type of work being done, and additional amenities beyond just workstations such as conference, break, and filing spaces. Give us a call to talk to our professional staff for guidance on what to look for in your office furniture.
Looking for office furniture isn’t something that can be completed in a day, given that there are certain characteristics to consider. Form and function are equally important and, of course, so is price. Comfort is probably one of the most important features since it has to do with maintaining or even improving one’s physical and mental health. If you spend hours on end in an unnatural position, stretching unnecessarily for items at your desk, straining to see what you’re doing, or stopping to type on your keyboard, chances are you’ll feel the physical consequences over time.
Aches and pains will lead to a decline in a healthy activity and even contribute to stress and mental fatigue over time. While looking for office furniture, never overlook comfort. Cubiture has an expansive range of ergonomic chairs that incorporate many adjustable features. These chairs are probably the best way to mitigate design problems that would otherwise lead to less-than-ideal body positioning.
What’s the point in looking for office furniture if the function doesn’t play a major part in your buying decisions? Every company is unique in how its employees work, and that’s why our very own fabrication facility caters to your specifications to bring you workstations that help to enhance the productivity of your employees. While individual workstations are the norm for many offices, you may prefer to enhance collaboration by looking for office furniture that can cluster workers at multi-desk workstations, like the one seen in the image above.
The tripartite workstations are perfect for when coworkers share the same department or have various duties within the same project, and the partitions in between each workstation can help to maintain a semblance of individuality and privacy while also allowing for easy collaboration. Keep the workstations light and comfortable by moving storage elements to their own centralized units to house project and department resources.
Price is an unfortunate consideration while looking for office furniture, but luckily at Cubiture, a low price doesn’t at all mean a low level of quality. With our large supply chain, we can offer you a number of material choices to choose from when we custom-built per your specifications. With so many competitively-priced materials that we can source, you’re guaranteed to come under your budget with your new office furniture.
Although style might not be as substantial as function and comfort, we can’t deny that this feature comes into play when looking for office furniture. As mentioned, we have access to an enormous number of materials of various features, sizes, finishes, and colors. Whether you want to go traditional and sophisticated or high-tech and innovative, we can deliver beautiful and well-built office furniture that will match your stylistic preferences.
We can also provide services that improve the layout of your office. Our president and founder Jerry Mogyorody is highly skilled in office space planning, a service that we always offer you free of charge and with no obligation to purchase our goods. Getting his start in designing high-density storage and filing systems, his vast knowledge in how to make the most efficient and productive use of space has since expanded to encompass the entire office.
When you’re looking for office furniture, don’t forget to take advantage of these space planning services. We make an assessment of your office space, as well as get to understand your employees and how they work. CAD drawings of your office space with your new office furniture will be created, and with your approval we can move towards ordering your perfect office furniture and even custom-building to your specifications.
Looking for office furniture has never been easier when you seek out Cubiture! Give us a call for a free consultation so that we can help you build out a beautiful office environment that you and your employees can be proud to work in. Also, any order you place with us can be delivered to you anywhere in the lower 48 states, and 100% free of charge. Don’t hesitate to call us today!
Looking For Office Furniture? – Free Quote – 712-412-0900