Category: Office Cubicles

Renting Office Furniture & Cubicles

June 7, 2022 0 Comments
office rental furniture

There are many options available when searching for office furniture for your business. You can buy new office furniture, or you can rent office furniture. If you are not sure how long you will need the office furniture, then renting is a great option for you. This is also a great alternative if you want […]

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The Importance of Sound Masking for a Modern Office Space

April 15, 2022 0 Comments
sound masking

Today's modern office space competes with the ideal conveniences of working from home, specifically the peace and quiet. If you have ever worked in a noisy office, you know just how distracting it can be. Not only is it difficult to concentrate on your work, but it can also be very stressful.   A sound masking […]

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New or Used Office Cubicles – Which Option is Best for Your Office?

March 3, 2022 0 Comments
used office furniture

Are you looking for new office furniture or even discounted cubicles online, but aren’t sure if new or used is the better option?  Check out our guide below as a way to decide whether or not you should invest in new cubicles or used ones. Your office furniture design will thank you for it either […]

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Open Office or Office Cubicles: Which Layout Is Best for Your Company?

April 23, 2021 0 Comments
Open Office or Office Cubicles

Companies are safely reopening their workplaces this year after a long period of remote work. However, occupancy will not immediately be anywhere close to pre-pandemic times, as many businesses consider a hybrid work schedule. Whatever path your business elects to follow, Cubiture can help you adapt your workplace to the new-normal. Deciding between an open […]

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Office Furniture Cleaning and Disinfecting Services – What to Know

January 29, 2021 0 Comments
Office LCeaning Services | Cubiture Office Furniture & Design

When Cubiture cleans a surface, we remove impurities and dirt with soap or detergent mixed with water.  This removes dirt and reduces the number of germs but does not necessarily kill them.  Infection risk is lessened, but not eliminated.  Disinfecting takes cleaning one step further.  It uses chemicals to kill germs. These chemicals do little, however, to remove dirt from surfaces.  Therefore, we typically clean a surface first to restore the aesthetics, then disinfect it to kill any remaining germs.

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Why Ergonomic Chairs Make a Difference in COVID Safety

January 27, 2021 0 Comments
Ergonomic Office Chair Sales

Cubiture makes a point to provide customers with ergonomic chairs that feature adjustable height, tilt, and armrests so that each employee may select a setting to fits his or her body.  Our chairs are rated at 8 hours—which simply means a person can comfortably sit for 8 hours in the chair without the need to stand up and walk around the office for relief.  With social distancing very much a necessity for any company that has employees returning to the office, the 8-hour rating is very important.

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Why Cubicles Directly from Factory are More Affordable

January 25, 2021 0 Comments
Affordable Office Furniture Sales

When you buy directly from the Cubiture factory, you save your company money.  Buying direct eliminates the dealer markup and makes it possible to obtain high quality products at lower prices.  Cubiture offers the ability to match our customers cubicles to the images they find online.  Our prices are lower because there is no middleman involved, and delivery is free because we use our own fleet of trucks.

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