As we try to find a sense of normalcy in our daily lives amid COVID-19, the sneeze guard shield may have never seemed as important as it does today. As urgent as social distancing remains, businesses relying on point of sale transactions face a serious challenge. Ignoring distancing protocols runs the risk of contagion if people get too close. On the other hand, keeping one’s business closed risks its economic viability. Essential businesses precisely demonstrate their ongoing need to provide services to the public while providing for their safety as well.
Whether your business is essential or non-essential–and whether it’s operational now or later–public health parameters will play a significant role in daily business operations, but Cubiture can help. Our sneeze guard shield is a response to the ongoing health crisis, allowing you and your staff to maintain safety and infection control in the work environment while continuing to bring your customers the best of your services. Given the unsettling knowledge that even those individuals who feel healthy and able to run errands outside of the home can still carry and spread COVID-19, it’s imperative to establish a protective interface between workers and customers.
The sneeze guard shield is a solution precisely for that reason. It’s available in a non-window version and a window version, each consisting of three clear acrylic panels that are 3’-¾” in height and 2’-2 ¾” in width. The non-window version includes pre-drilled foot hardware that allows for a gap to run between the shield’s base and its supporting surface. The gap can be as narrow as 1 ¼” or as wide as 4 ½”, making this version ideal for the exchange of papers and relatively small, flat items. Think prescription medication at a pharmacy, a sign-in sheet at a clinic, or a check to be deposited at the bank.
The window version of the sneeze guard shield trades raised footings for a single framed opening in the center panel, measuring 8 ¼” wide and 13 ¾” high. This allows bulkier items to pass through, like packages at the post office or items on display behind a store clerk. Both versions allow items to be passed back and forth between customer and employee while maintaining minimal airborne contact in-between, whether it be from sneezing, laughing, or coughing. Since barcodes can be scanned through the clear panels, even physical contact can be avoided at the point of sale in retail locations.
The diverse ways that a business’s staff may interact with customers requires diverse ways to reduce airborne contact. The multiple panels of the sneeze guard shield add flexibility to shape the user’s protective space. If used as a straight line, the shield can extend to a length of 6’8”. A curve, a “U,” and an “L” shape can also be attained to ensure the best amount of protection.
The sneeze guard shield offers durability. Its aluminum frame holds the clear acrylic panels in a setup that facilitates transactions of all kinds. With weighty panels that keep upright and additional glue and adhesive strips that can be applied to the feet, the shield is a sturdy addition to your company’s social distancing protocols. The design of the sneeze guard shield makes it convenient to transport also. With its hinged, tri-panel form, the shield can fully collapse into a neat stack that measures no more than three inches thick. The ability to clean surfaces efficiently and effectively is key in keeping you, your staff, and your customers safe. Common disinfectants, including bleach, and disinfectant wipes are all usable on your sneeze guard shield, as well as a mild soap. This is desirable in areas of high traffic, such as grocery stores and hospitals, when frequent cleaning between customers helps to minimize the risk of infection.
This may be our new normal for the time being, but Cubiture can bring you face-to-face with your customers once again. With a free space plan layout drawing, our team is happy to help you incorporate our sneeze guard shields into your business. Give us a call and see how we can make your work environment a safer, healthier place.
Sneeze Guard Screens – FREE Quote 713-412-0900