Tag: Sneeze Guard Screen

Cubiture’s Custom Made Glass Sneeze Guards Promote Social Distancing

July 2, 2020 0 Comments
Discount Custom Tempered Glass Cough Sneeze Guards

Social distancing guidance suggests maintaining (6 feet distance between people to decrease the potential for transmission of COVID-19. In some settings, e.g., a client communicating with an employee or other workplace settings, it may not be possible to maintain the 2-meter distance. Environmental barriers are an example of engineering control that can diminish droplet transmission […]

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Sneeze Guard For A Reception Desk – FAQ

May 21, 2020 0 Comments
Discount Sneeze Guard For A Reception Desks For Sal;e Factory Direct Prices With FREE Shipping

We recommend that you do.  Even if you do not have very many clients visiting your office, you will invariably have salespeople, building management, personal family members, and cleaning staff walking into your foyer.  While we do not want to assume that any person entering your office is infected with COVID-19, the fact of the […]

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Benefits Of A Sneeze Guard Shield

May 20, 2020 0 Comments
Benefits Of A Sneeze Guard Shield

As we try to find a sense of normalcy in our daily lives amid COVID-19, the sneeze guard shield may have never seemed as important as it does today.  As urgent as social distancing remains, businesses relying on point of sale transactions face a serious challenge.  Ignoring distancing protocols runs the risk of contagion if […]

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