Office partitions aren't as expensive as cubicles. Yet, because you are ordering several that will be installed all through your office, you do need to watch every penny. This means that those new office partitions you've been investigating and pricing may not be an option at this time. No worry! You'll still be able to find the partitions you need. Or, maybe you're going to buy new partitions. You just need to know where to look.
Call Business Colleagues
If you've decided that used office partitions are your best option right now, don't overlook your business colleagues and partners. They may have what you need or, at the least, they can direct you to another business that is getting rid of its office partitions.
As you look at the used or refurbished office partitions, look at them closely. Inspect each partition for signs of damage. These will need to be repaired or refurbished so they are attractive and safe before being installed in your office.
Scan the Business Pages
The business pages contain stories of companies that are moving, downsizing or outright closing. The owners of these businesses have to unload their office furniture, cubicles and partitions somehow. Arm yourself with the names, addresses and phone numbers of these companies and go to visit them. Speak to the managers or owners and find out if they are selling or simply giving away the office partitions they have on hand.
As with the first option (calling business colleagues), you may need to have the partitions you choose repaired or refurbished. Because you are saving so much money by choosing used, you'll be able to use that savings when you have the partitions refurbished.
Look for Used/Refurbished Partitions
Call office furniture stores – they may have a stock of used or refurbished office furniture, which may include the partitions you are seeking. Again, visit in person so you can spot the office partitions that are in the best condition.
Once you have found what you need, have them repaired so they are sturdy, not threatening to fall down if someone leans on them or even brushes against them as they walk by. During the refurbishing process, consider replacing the fabric to a fabric that reflects your company's brand or color scheme. It may be a good idea to choose different fabric colors so some partitions are one color, others are a second color and the remainders are a third color.
Visit Office Furniture Stores
Now, we come to the new office partitions. Visit office supply stores, including Cubiture, to look for what you need. This option has almost all the advantages you want: the partitions will be new, have no mechanical issues and will be safe for use. You'll also have your choice of fabric colors, so again, order partitions that reflect the color scheme of your company.
Don't forget that, as you are looking for new partitions, that your employees need quiet and privacy. Choose partitions that deflect excess noise, as well as preventing employees from peering into the cubicles of workers engaged in working on confidential matters. Browse our cubicles and find the partitions you need.
Call Us For A FREE Office Partitions Quote 713-412-0900.
Visit Our Office Furniture Showroom Located at 10704 Telge Rd, Houston, TX 77095.